The restaurant spoketh easy
It's been uncovered that secret restaurants have been serving people in private without the use of masks or a full wine list in Paris. An outrage! We can't let this stand! This must be dealt with! Okay, that's done as it's apparently very easy to fine someone when all the politicians are in attendance.
Taint of smoke, be gone
As was underreported, a service in California has discovered a manner to remove smoke taint in wine without losing flavor although they say that little can be done to help the wine not suck if it already sucked in the first place. This may well be a workable plan until we can deal with the more long-term solution which is: reversing Climate Change.
Jack Frost nipping at your buds
Mid-spring has brought frost again and it's not pretty in France as well as a number of other places in Europe. Thankfully, beyond helicopters, candles, straw bales, smudge pots, and Twitter rage exhaust ventilation, there are additional methods being tried as well. Long-term goals: reversing Climate Change.
That's not a decanter
While it's a fact that one can get by with a measly $10 decanter from the local junk shop (or a large bowl) in order to let their wine breathe, why would you want to be so banal? After all, these exist for a reason and allow you to spend a cool $1,100 for that "Lalique Experience" when letting your wine oxidize "open". If the name "Lalique" seems familiar, it's due to their making the glasses that James Suckling carries with him in a hand-stitched case and fellates every time he begins to taste wine. Those who have witnessed it first hand report that they cannot un-see it once seen.